Sunday, November 30, 2014


Appreciation (noun) - the recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something

In theatre, the phrase “thank you” over comms is used as a way to acknowledge that you understand a cue that is being verbally transmitted to you. In a sense it doesn’t seem as though when one says “thank you” into the headset’s mic that they are actually thanking the person the phrase is directed to; but, in fact, there is an underlying form of appreciation. It shows a mutual respect between the caller and the receiver, consequently they are appreciating the work that is being created between them. This simple acknowledgement allows for individuals to confirm that though they may be apart, they are working together. 

It is important to remember that in order for appreciation to occur between you and another person, or you and another thing, or you and yourself, some form of understanding must be present. I don’t see how one can genuinely appreciate what they  don’t understand. This is my personal ideology and it is most likely flawed in the mind’s of some, but it has worked for me. That being said, my appreciation of people, the world, and myself have been vastly enriched from this belief.

Friday, November 21, 2014 - Saturday, November 29, 2014

I have been aboard the Carnival Victory for only two weeks now and I am already beginning to feel as though I can call this place my home. I’ve familiarized myself with the vessel and my job responsibilities, I’ve started building professional and personal relationships with my fellow crew members, and I’ve officially unpacked all of the items in my suitcase!

Since starting this opportunity, I have been in a training phase with the Carnival Victory’s previous Entertainment Floor Technician. However, this past week was her last, which meant I slowly began to take on more responsibilities as we neared her disembarkation. Though she has left and the other members of the productions were sad to bid her farewell, they have all been encouraging and supportive of me every step of the way. I have already had the chance to run the shows as the backstage manager and I am aware of the areas that I need to improve on. She was a superb mentor whom I couldn’t be more thankful to have had the opportunity to work with. Due to her guidance, I feel confident as I approach the next phase of my job.

On a more personal note, celebrating Thanksgiving on a cruise ship was a unique experience. For the majority of the day I didn’t realize it was Thanksgiving, the days have kind of started to blend together for me. Also, the percentage of Americans, which I’ve been told there are only 18 of us aboard this vessel, is outweighed by the other cultures. Considering Thanksgiving is an American celebration, for those other cultures it was just another day. 

However, there was a Thanksgiving(ish) dinner served in the staff mess hall: turkey and stuffing (which I didn’t eat because I am a vegetarian), sweet potatoes (which I did eat because I consider sweet potatoes one of my favorite foods), and various other side dishes that would be considered traditional for the occasion. But what I found most intriguing was the free wine that was offered. I had the rest of the night off, so I must admit I indulged in the Zinfandel.

When dinner was over, I continued my evening by tackling an art project which required me to take a trip to Camp Carnival, a program available to children that enhances their vacation experience while onboard the ship. Once at Camp Carnival, I obtained various colors of construction paper and then made my way back to my room to begin crafting. After challenging my artistic talents and many minutes of hard work, my masterpiece was complete!

Of course, I dressed this way with no intentions of offending another culture. It was my light-hearted way of bringing the Thanksgiving spirit to the ship. Following the completion of my handmade feather-headband, I socialized for bit and then I was asked by a friend to list five things I am thankful for. My list was as followed:
  1. I am thankful for my education. I graduated college a mere 6 months ago and have remained employed in the industry I studied and love. I continue to grow each day as an artist of the theatre and I have been able to spread entertainment to hundreds and thousands while doing so.
  2. I am thankful for the beautiful views that I am able to benefit from daily. There are moments when I get bogged down being separated from the lifestyle I used to know, but then I look out at the ocean or whichever island we are visiting and my spirits are immediately lightened. It’s a constant reminder that the world is large and the possibilities are unlimited.
  3. I am thankful for technology. As mentioned, there are moments when I miss how life used to be, so now, more than ever, I am appreciative of cellphones, computers, e-mail, wifi, etc. The little gadgets and gizmos I used to take for granted, ensure me that though I am separated from the “outside world”, I have not been forgotten.
  4. I am thankful for my family and friends. Whether from high school or college or from the various places I have worked, no matter how old or new or far we may be apart from one another; I am thankful for you, the enjoyment you have provided me, and for helping mold me into the person I am today. 
  5. It is easy to allow hardships and stresses to take over. Not everything is going to go according to plan and you will experience moments of success as well as moments of failure. But no matter what, at the end of the day, life is a blessing and I am thankful for every moment I am given.

Of course there are probably hundred of more things I could list, but I hold those five points to a high value under my current conditions. Although Thanksgiving has passed for the year and this post may seem a little outdated, I feel as though it is important we take time to reflect on the things we were thankful for last Thursday and appreciate them once more. I challenge you and myself to do this as often as we can.

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I wish you the best as we approach December and prepare for the holidays!

Chow for now and thank you for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Jacob,
    I am thankful for this blog you have created as a way for me to stay connected to you even though you are far away and I have not been able to see your face for quite some time.

    I am reading this in my office and a coworker of mine asked if I was holding out on a funny joke. I'm chuckling because as I read it's as if I can hear your voice saying the words. I miss talking and laughing with you.

    You are wonderful, and I look forward to reading and joining in on your journey each week.

    Much love,
